Left to Right:
Standing: Susan Birmingham, David Borboa, Toni Porter, Tony Drew, Karen Bosch Cobb, Ranae Holody, Larry Holody, Denise Correia, Tom Lang, Ana Paula Redditt, Tim Dodd
Sitting: Donna Shepherd, RosaMaria Henry, Lucy Myers, Sally Lauritzen
Not pictured: Bishop Joseph V Brennan, Rev Fr Salvador Gonzales, V.G., Mary Borges, Don Cardell, John Houlihan, Tom Ferdinandi, Deacon Bill Lucido, Pat Ogle, Ed Quintana, Rafael Rodarte, Cheryl Sarkisian
The Catholic Breakfast Club of Fresno is a membership organization that meets on the second Friday of each month excluding January, July and August. The Club's fiscal year begins July and ends June 30. Membership dues of $55 includes a subscription to our monthly Catholic Breakfast Club of Fresno Newsletter and a listing in the Club's annual membership directory. Breakfast meetings are held at 7:00 am (program begins at 7:15am) at Pardini's Restaurant Banquet Room, Shaw and Van Ness in Fresno. The cost of the breakfast is $25 per member and their guests and $30 per non-member. Members can pre-pay their breakfasts for the year and pay only $175 per year ($50 savings).
Click Here to purchase or renew your membership, or click here to register and prepay for our upcoming breakfasts.
Reservations can be made online, by phone, Fax, mail or e-mail and need to be in by noon on the Wednesday before Friday's breakfast.
Visit our Reservations page for more details.
Excepted from the story by dscott
As Frank A. Borges recalls, “moving to Santa Rosa, California in 1984 to semi-retire was not enough for me and my wife Mary. I registered at St. Eugene’s parish and became involved in their Catholic community.
My friends – Joe Piasta, Everett Woodruff, and myself would meet for coffee Monday mornings to share our faith and fellowship. We discussed the possibility of someday establishing the formation of an organized club for Catholic businessmen and women. A place where Catholic business people could meet, break bread together and share the faith, hear Catholic speakers, network in our business world, and renew our faith in God.
The idea was kicked around – until Joe, Everett and I decided we were ready to talk to our Bishop. On April 1, 1990, we met with Bishop John T. Steinbock of the Santa Rosa Diocese. The concept was introduced to Bishop John – received his blessings, and encouraged us to go forward with the idea of a Catholic lay organization of businessmen and women.
On May 1, 1990, the first CP&BC Chapter in Santa Rosa was formed. The Steering Committee met to discuss the formation of the Club, the by-laws, the purpose of the Mission Statement, and officially adopted the Club’s name: “Catholic Professional & Business Club of the Santa Rosa Diocese.”
The first Breakfast Meeting was held June 22, 1990, on the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Frank Borges was appointed the first President of CP&BC of the Santa Rosa Diocese. Bishop John T. Steinbock was the first speaker with 120 guests attending. The rest is history.
The second Chapter was founded in September 1994 in Marin County in the San Francisco Diocese by Denis Ragan. Marin’s first breakfast meeting was held on September of 1994 with Bishop Carlos A. Sevilla, SJ, and Bishop of the San Francisco Diocese as their first speaker.
The third Chapter founded February 12, 1997. In 1996, Mary and I moved to Fresno to again retire. We reestablished old acquaintances and made new friendships. By now Bishop John T. Steinbock had been transferred to the Fresno Diocese. Bishop John expressed his trust in a Husband & Wife Team with our past experience gave us his blessing to start CP&BC in the Fresno Diocese. We started by making a 9-day novena to the Holy Spirit – Patron Saint of CP&BC.
I give credit to old friendships – like Chris Oberti, Frank Witherow, and Jim O’Brien who led me to several of their Catholic friends. Frank A. Borges led the first steering committee, and was appointed the first president September 20, 1996. On February 12, 1997, the Fresno Chapter held its first Breakfast Meeting – with 181 guests attending to hear Bishop John T. Steinbock as the first speaker.
I can foresee the future of this lay Catholic organization well beyond my time – giving credit to all those faith-filled individuals who will continue to spread the mission of this successful lay Catholic organization for businessmen and women.
Frank A. Borges, Founder CP&BC 1990 (Mary T. Borges, Cofounder)
Past President – Santa Rosa, Ca. CP&BC 1991
Past President – Fresno, Ca. CP&BC 1997